In the world of Project Done, a lot of things are happening. We’re revamping our website (launching in a few days!!) and adding a lot of guest posters to our lineup of posts.
Another thing that I wanted to do through my blog is share with you a new series, “What I’m Reading.” I pull a lot of my inspiration from magazines, articles and blog posts, and I would like to start sharing them with you! I’ll have one “recap” post every month, with links to the articles and blog posts I believe you’ll benefit from, as I have. 🙂
What I’m Reading: December Recap
Capture ideas quickly with index cards via Unclutterer {I personally use a system similar to this, but using “scrap paper” instead. Old envelopes, extra paper, paper that would usually be thrown out. Makes me want to clear the clutter and get rid of the to-do list scraps by actually doing them!!}
Planning for the Pre-Holiday Toy Purge via Operation Organization {Such a great way to get kids to give away some of their toys to not only make room for new ones, but also to clean up the extra-clutter! Loved this quote in the bottle cap photo featured in this post: “The less you own, the less that owns you.”}
Personal Development: The Plan by Jim Rohn {I loved this article so much I reposted it to share it with all of you!}
What are YOU reading? I’d love to read them, too. Share the links to your new favorite blog post in the comments section below!
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